About White Stag Healing
Welcome to White Stag Healing
I am Wayne Hart and live in Spotsylvania County Virginia in the USA. I am a Shaman, Druid, and Reiki Master working in the Celtic traditions of my ancestors. I am a Spiritwalker and Messenger walking between the worlds and calling the spirits to work for body mind and soul. I am also a minister of the Circle of the Sacred Earth, a shamanic church, and one of the founding members of the Sanctuary of the Divine Feminine.
I learned from my near death experience in August, 1996 (listed elsewhere on this site) the true meaning of infinite and how all things are filled with spirits and connected in a way like an infinite fabric. When I was destroyed in death and remade into a new being I was also given the gift of awareness of how to influence the energies from which all things are made and the ability to commune with the spirits that dwell within. The experience changed my understanding of life and my outlook on life; I feel I have a much better understanding of what living really means and how to “be” in this world.
I understand the pain I would return to would change me and how I changed would determine my way of being in the world, that would be entirely up to me. My fear of death was stripped away and this allowed me to have greater empathy with the dying and Shaman, Druid, and Reiki Master Wayne Hartcritically ill. I also felt the need to share my understandings and gifts from the Light, helping others in a positive way. Shamanic practice gives me the vocabulary and guided imagery as tools I would otherwise not have had. In my Shamanic practice I have worked a number of times with clients with emotional and physical issues. The results were often positive and several patients had a much better understanding of the indwelling spirits which influenced their lives. I feel this exemplifies the modern Western Shaman’s work at its deepest level.
I am a Level III Reiki Master in the Usui Reiki tradition and qualified to teach and offer attunements. I have studied several other modalities of energy work also. Even with all of these modalities available to me it is still the basic practice of Shamanism which forms the backbone of my work and continues to expand. Working mostly in the Celtic traditions of the ancient Druids I employ techniques of many traditions. As a Druid I am not a member of any neo-pagan Druid community but instead feel the calling of my ancestral lineage through the British Isles back to my Eastern European Celtic origins.
I have completed extensive studies in all of the Core Shamanism courses presented by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies as well as the complete Next Step program presented by shamanic teacher Dana Robinson. I have completed the five day course in Soul Retrieval taught by Sandra Ingerman and taken classes in Celtic Shamanism from Tom Cowan. Work with other shamanic teachers in this realm and with Druid teachers in the unseen realms of my ancestors round out my learning experience. Most importantly, the lessons I learned from the Light during my death experience enhance all of my worldly learning experiences.