About White Stag Healing
I am Wayne Hart and live in Spotsylvania County Virginia in the USA. I am a Shaman, Druid, and Reiki Master working in the Celtic traditions of my ancestors. I am a Spiritwalker and Messenger walking between the worlds and calling the spirits to work for body mind and soul. I am also a minister of the Circle of the Sacred Earth, a shamanic church, and one of the founding members of the Sanctuary of the Divine Feminine.
What is A Shaman?
The word “shaman” is derived from a Siberian Tungus word for priest or medicine healer, one who keeps the knowledge. A shaman interacts in both the normal physical world and the unseen spiritual world. Acting as an intermediary between these worlds the shaman works to invoke spirit helpers to act on behalf of his client. Shamanism is the oldest form of healing and spirituality and exists in some form in most cultures worldwide and influenced many modern medicines and therapeutic practices.
Services We Offer
- Soul Retrieval-Soul Restoration
- Soul Extraction
- Extraction Healing
- De-Possession (people and places)
- Divination and Seership
- Psycho Pomp (soul conducting)
- Power Animal Retrieval
- Work With the Faeries
- Officiating At Life Events
- Officiating Celtic Rituals

“Wayne has helped me on a number of occasions during times when I felt stuck, particularly related to important relationships in my life. He has helped me explore my spirituality, guiding me through journeys, doing journeys for me, and introducing some of my spirit guides to me, as well as helping me to integrate the spiritual aspects of myself with the other aspects of myself.”
~Bláithín MacMahon
“The first time I saw Wayne for assistance I was not sure what I wanted. I was going thru chemo and knew my cancer was the result of my soul lacking in a part of myself. I learned that during my parents’ divorce JOY had been taken away in order to help me deal with the situation. I have always been joyful in appearance, but not at a soul level. I am now….It is not just an outward appearance anymore. ”
~Patricia ( Patty ) Lucado
“Wayne has worked with me for two years and has completely changed my life. I have left behind the darkness of my life and feel empowered and enriched with greater meaning and purpose to my life. In many ways my relationships have dramatically improved because I am in charge of my own emotions and actions. My power animal provides me wise and useful guidance daily. I cannot say enough about Wayne’s abilities and how effective and powerful they are.”
~Rhonda Barbour
Do I Need A Shaman?
- Have you experienced something traumatic in your life that you feel is staying with you?
- Are you suffering with an illness that has caused your joy to be taken away?
- Do you want a deeper understanding of your power animal?
- Are you living with a soul or souls that has yet to leave this Earth and you need help sending them to the light?
Contact us to see how we can journey with you.
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